Schlagwort-Archive: Austrian-Chinese research cooperation

10 years IHM international

IHM International

IHM International – the Institute for technology-based education in Health, Management and Social Services International – in short IHM – was founded in July12, 2022 as collaborative partnership in Austria as a non-profit association in accordance with the Austrian-Chinese research cooperation.

The purpose of the association is to develop, distribute and support educational programs with focus on the fields of health, management and social services.

IHM offers

  • education which is personal and intense, so to experience real knowhow from the specialists;
  • education independent from time and place, therefore enabling long distance learning with its IHM E-Cademy

technological support for education and trainings programs with according apps and software developments.

  • IHM is an international organization acting as an intermediary between partner institutions and international markets.
  • IHM is the reliable partner for education and training.
  • IHM develops and promotes possibilities in education and support a worldwide exchange of knowledge.
  • IHM collaborates with an extensive network of organizations, including public institutions, research facilities, educational institutions and industry partners all over the world.
  • IHM is specialized in medical and medical-economic education programs.
  • IHM has a broad national and international network.

Vision and Misson

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Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin G. Stieger

CEO IHM International, holds a professorship for vocational education and business education, teaches at the Allensbach University in Konstanz, is also the rector there and works for VISVienna International Studies in Vienna.